by Walks with Thunder | May 9, 2013 | Uncategorized
Mothers Day, again!
This is a holiday I don’t celebrate anymore as my mom has passed away. That was a good thing as she was a drama queen and created drama if there was none to be had. My son’s mother died when he was 14, seems like only last month. He does send his Mother’s day greeting to my 2nd ex-wife Laura. She was and is very good to him. Was there for him when he needed a mother, didn’t try and replace is biological mother, instead made her own place next to her.
Towards the end of my 1st wife’s life she was hospitalized for 9 months. Andrew and Laura made her a huge door sized event calendar. They both shopped for what they would put in it. DVD’s, books, candy, sox, things that would fit into an 8” by 6” pocket. She loved it. My 1st wife never complained that Laura was taking her place or had too much of our son’s attention. Somehow Laura made our family work at a difficult time.
Being shaman I was given a sign of my 1st wife’s passing. I was upstairs at out beach house in Belfair WA. Just resting, when I saw a fuchsia red color coming from the satellite dish control box. Odd because that was a green LED. I knew it was a paranormal event but didn’t understand the meaning. I said to the spirits in the room, I don’t understand, tell me what this means. Almost immediately the fuchsia colored light projected itself to be right in front of me and resolved itself into a crystal fuchsia colored casket. In that moment I understood this was a portent of death (Duh). A few minutes later my 1st ex-wife called to say she couldn’t make it to see us the next day as she wasn’t feeling well enough to travel. I told her not to worry her plane ticket would be there when she was ready to use it. Get better and talk to Andrew, she is welcome anytime. Those were the last words I spoke to her. Two days later her mom called me to say she had died overnight from a stroke and a heart attack. Most likely the heart attack brought on by the fear from the stroke.
I hadn’t known how hard that would hit me. We had been married for 17 ½ years. I cried for 4 months, every day for hours. My 2nd wife told me, I am ok with you crying for her, because I know when I go you’re going to cry for 6 months. Laura is so funny. It is part of what made her a great mother to my son. I say mother because there was no difference from the way she treated him than her own biological children. Now that is a great mom.
A few years later Laura told me she had never had a relationship last longer than 7 years. We beat that record by a month! She asked for and received a divorce and in November of 2007 she got it. Even so she and I are friends, and Andrew still thinks of her as his other mother. I am sure she is just going to tell everyone how great I think she is because she is in my Mother’s Day Article. She says she is my biggest fan, and I am hers. Here we are 6 years later and my son is asking me if she will like the funny gift he got her. No I am not going to tell you what it is she doesn’t have yet!
I know that my mom was an awful cook. I grew up not knowing that, just knowing that I liked school lunches because they were so good! Does that tell you anything? She put tomato sauce on everything, peas, green beans, corn, and broccoli. Give that woman a beautiful steak and she would turn it into the best shoe leather on a plate anywhere. She and my father had a love hate relationship. Every couple weeks they would have a big fight. He would get paid and buy a case of beer and drink most of it on a Saturday. That would make my mom angry and she would begin pushing his buttons. Until he had a meltdown. Not a pretty sight, every two weeks drama, and let’s not forget holidays. My mom put the d in dysfunctional. So not having her around anymore is a good thing. Way less drama, holidays and meals are much better.
My friend Angie has a great mother. She comes to visit Angie every couple of years. I just love Angie’s mom, she is a tiny woman, maybe 117 pounds, 5’ ¾” tall who never stops moving. She is always doing something. Painting, gardening, making cookies, cleaning, I find myself looking for the batteries she must have. They get along very well. Thought Angie does have her complaints, nothing like mine would be. I keep telling her she has the best mom ever! I can see that at 68 or so she is still beautiful. A quick smile on her face and always thinking of her family and friends.
We all make choices about who we are and what we do, every moment is a choice. How we react and how we show that reaction to others. Some mothers at the moment of birth decide they can’t be a mother right now and give up the child. Other mothers see that child and are emotionally bonded for life. A mother doesn’t have to be the biological birth mother. She can be a woman that loves a child as her own. Protecting, nurturing, loving, and caring for them as her own the rest of her life. Bless all the mothers out there to have a great relationship with their children and families. May they always know love and be loved. May their short comings be small and their regrets few.
Walks With Thunder.
by Walks with Thunder | May 6, 2013 | Uncategorized
Mists of Time
Summer has come early to our little town of Kent WA. 83 degrees yesterday, in the Pacific Northwest that is unusual, in the Puget Sound it is rare. Am sure those folks that are having snow storms in May with records being broken for snowfall are also saying the same thing. I feel for them but somehow the sunshine has put me in a mellow mood this morning. As I was eating my Fruit Loops the ‘mists of time’ took me back to my year in 4th grade.
My friend Al and I were walking to school one fine May day, and decided that instead of going to school we should take an unscheduled field trip to Willows Pond. I like to think that I have always been an adventurer, just something in my spirit that can’t be tamed. We changed direction and started walking, that was how we did it back then in the 60’s, we walked or road our bikes, without helmets. We turned out OK even without all the safety equipment. My cousin Alvin used to skate board on this 14 inch board without pads or a helmet. He taught me how to change the world one summer. The sidewalks had been painted with a message, “No Skate Boards”. He took some mud, and put it over the word No, then came back the next day and kicked it off the side walk. No, was gone with the mud, It now said “Skate Boards”. Sorry off on a tangent, those ‘mist of time’ are tricky.
We must have walked about 5 miles to the pond. Wasted time just throwing stones, or skipping stones into the pond. A pond is an odd thing in the desert, Burns Oregon is surrounded by desert. Scrub brush, Sage Brush, Coyote, Rattle snakes, however around the pond there were willow trees. Could be why they called it willows pond. We built a raft and decided that the raft project needed more work so we kept coming back for a couple weeks working on it and just having fun in this unplanned heat wave.
Our time off from school went unnoticed for about two weeks. When our 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Grenade, that is what we called her back then, Mrs. Ganeay, called our parents and asked if we were OK and what had we been doing for two weeks. It went downhill from there. They put us on detention for a month, and we weren’t allowed to talk to each other at school. His mom said I was a bad influence and he couldn’t play with me anymore. Of course my parents said the same thing about Al and I was forbidden to associate with him.
I do think of that time as magical. Eating our lunches out at the pond, enjoying the warm weather, being out in nature. Not a soul for miles and miles, for a brief time I was free! I wonder if Willows Pond is still there? It doesn’t hold the attraction it did when I was in 4th grade but you never know when an unscheduled field trip will happen, cause they are unscheduled. What happened to Al, I like to think he is out there somewhere doing things that have adventure running rampant in the world.
What is holding you back from being free? These days as a grownup, and I use that word lightly in my case, I have to work if I want to eat well and pay bills, and have a nice place to live. Weekends and vacations are that place adventure lives now. Though walking the trails with my dogs and my friends is nice, it’s not the adventure I was thinking of.
A few years ago I had a dream. I was sitting under a palm tree, my feet in white sand. A beautiful Island girl was with me, she was hot! We were talking, “come to the Islands, they will welcome you home”. I said ‘sounds like a great idea except it is so far away’. We got up and walked on the wet beach. I looked back the way we had come and saw that her foot prints had a liquid in them. We were holding hands and both bent down to see what it was. I let go of her hand and looked closely at the liquid, it was molten glass. I turned to look at her and she was gone.
I asked a Hawaiian apprentice of mine who she thought that was in my dream. Pele often shows herself as a “hot” woman in every sense of the word. When you take your eyes off the goddess she vanishes. Leaving a trail of glass foot prints in the sand was her clue to you of who she really is. You have been invited to the islands. I would consider going, after all when a goddess welcomes you home it would be rude not to go.
I wonder if there is adventure in Hawaii. May you be blessed to live your life not just exist, may you be blessed to enjoy your time and not just survive. If there are blocks in your path lets remove them, keep moving, it is harder to hit a moving target you know. Beware of those ‘mist of time’ they seem to come around more often after you hit your 50s.
Walks With Thunder
by Walks with Thunder | May 4, 2013 | Uncategorized
Love and Relationships,
Over the years as a Psychic reader I have been asked the same questions in many different ways. The most asked question is, “is our relationship over?” Often I just listen and can hear what the spirit next you the client says. On the one hand I have to be clairaudient but not what I would call psychic to do the work, though I am also psychic as I also see little movies, or visions of what the client is asking about. Luckily for me no vision is exactly alike. Always new and different, sometimes difficult to understand as they aren’t meant for me but my client.
The epic romances we see in the movies and on TV really exist. Soul Mate, Twin Flame, Past life relationships are real. I often say they are the most difficult of all relationships to have as there are epic highs, epic lows, and epic barriers. Totally worth it, having had a few of my own I can say that I would do them all over again if I had the chance.
Symptoms of an Epic relationship are: The sun seems warmer, the food tastes better, the air is fresher, colors are brighter, you feel like your home is that person, they make you feel great just because they are with you, and making love is the best it has ever been. Why would you ever want to miss out on that huge feeling of love? This person you just met feels like you have known them all your life. They feel so right.
Most epic romances are based on a past life connection, your spirit recognizes theirs and their spirit recognizes yours in the first five minutes or less there is a spiritual connection. That connection brings with it attraction, trust, friendship, and this spiritual connection. That spiritual connection allows you to communicate psychically, you can feel them thinking about you, and that causes you to think about them. I say it interrupts your thoughts, your doing some thing that doesn’t have anything to do with your new love and suddenly they break into your thoughts. That is when they are thinking about you, in that moment. Many times we think of them so much we can’t count how many times they crossed our minds in a day, it seems constant.
Epic Barriers: Distance, you and your love live hours or even day apart. There could be a wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfriend still in the picture. Did you notice the statistics on people that cheat are very high? Family and friends don’t understand your connection, attraction to this person you just met. They ‘are out of your league’ or you ‘are out of their league’. Forget about leagues, the heart wants what it wants. Ever see two people that don’t fit together but are? That is an example of the heart wanting what it wants, even though to those outside that relationship it doesn’t make visual sense. A handsome man with a homely woman, a goddess with a nerd, I am sure you know many more real life examples. Sometimes those epic barriers are ones we create.
Communication is an epic barrier. If your love doesn’t know how to tell you they are comfortable at this level of commitment that is trouble. They play the “Approach Avoidance” game with you. All at once you’re the most important relationship because there is such a big connection to you. That creates a fear because you also represent the biggest failure they could ever have.
Every now and then I hear people say ‘I want to be in love, like people in the movies!’ Those are people that are asking for an epic romance. That kind of love is not for the weak. Many times one person will know they are in an epic romance and their partner doesn’t have a clue about it. They just know it’s going very well. Being on the same page of commitment is sometimes an epic barrier.
Epic Romance takes work. You have to communicate clearly what you want and need. What you are willing to accept and what is a deal breaker. Being able to forgive the small things so you can have the big things. Loving someone with all that you are. Having that person inspire you to be more than you are because they love you so much.
I know there are many people that will tell you there is only one twin flame and only one soul mate. My personal experience says that is not true. The elements of the epic romance must be there and if they are you can have more than one soul mate, more than one twin flame. Most epic romances are based on a past life connection. We can create that I know how, it is part of my work as a Shaman. That brings with it a spiritual connection of communication, empathy, knowing that persons thoughts and feelings. The building blocks of all epic romances.
Are epic romances easy? No. Are they worth it? yes! Having done readings for years and listening to those in epic romances I see that they follow a pattern. Boy meets girl, boy gets girl, boy loses girl, waiting period can be, days, weeks, months, years, or decades, Boy gets girl back. If every thing goes well that is it, if they screw it up again then the pattern repeats boy loses girl, waiting period, boy gets girl back. That is the point where you have to find your communication problems and fix them so you can get to your happy ever after.
My blessing often helps that waiting period move faster. Knowing where you are in the epic romance helps too, as you know what to expect next. Having seen thousands of people in these situations I can easily see where you are in your epic romance. Now just think of all the things I didn’t tell you about epic romance. You’re just going to have to ask me!
May your love be true, may your heart be healed, may the love of your lifetimes be yours to have and to hold from this day forward.
Walks With Thunder
by Walks with Thunder | Apr 29, 2013 | Thoughts
I hate evil. It is just a thing with me. When I find it hiding in plain sight I target it and remove it best I can. For some it is an evil entity that has attached itself to their lives. Yes you could call that a curse. Others do evil because they like it. Revel in it and walk around smiling, ribbons, bows, glitter and rainbows, all the while doing evil behind someone who is good. They use that person as a shield and create evil. My friend Audrey was going through a tough recovery from back surgery. An evil person kept her from her friend who could have helped her with a blessing or just being there for her. When I called that evil person out on it, she denied it. Then Audrey backed me up on what that evil person did.
Just because you pointed evil out doesn’t mean it is handled. You have to make sure others are not fooled by it. Evil has a way of pretending to be the victim that the weak and even the good buy into because it is the nice thing to do. As a spiritual warrior I hate that, my god have some back bone and kick evils ass! Evil hurts people, excludes them from associating with good people. They abuse their power by deleting a good person’s voice, painting that good person in a bad light so others doubt the truth. Pushing them out of groups of friends so that they are isolated and shunned. When we allow that we give power to evil. Even the best of us do that because we want to think the best of everyone. Even though we have evidence of what really happened and those we trust have warned us that this person who has such control of a good person’s life is abusing that power.
As a spiritual warrior I deal with the seamy side of spirituality. I am not out there telling you that Angels are light beings, there to protect you. Cause you know what they aren’t there for that. They are there to serve god. When God wants to kill someone he sends an angel, when he wants a city or army destroyed he sends an angle. When you buy a bill of goods that says angels are something else you’re being gullible. When you allow evil to have power in your world and allow it to associate with good people you are allowing evil into your heart, and we can’t do that. Evil has a way of using you, if you let it. The face of evil is a pleasant one. Did you know that the Angel of light is beautiful to look upon, even so Lucifer is evil incarnate, A fallen angel. The best lie evil tells you is I am of the light, not a lie when you think about it, Lucifer means light. It is not a light that I would want to bask in.
Evil curses our lives by making us feel unworthy, low self-esteem, pushed out of a group, alone, worthless, hurts our hearts and so much more. Evil wants and needs to feel powerful, and will lie, cheat, manipulate, steal and sometimes kill to get it. There is nothing evil won’t do to have its day. By allowing evil in our midst we say it is ok for that person to be evil. I ask you do you want to be used by evil or do you want to do something about it? Point out evil where you see it. Talk about what evil did and does to you. Find a way to push that evil out of your life out of your circle. Talk about truth. Shine your light into those dark places where you have allowed evil to have its way.
Put your spiritual hand In mine and say, form this day forward let evil be sent out of my presence. I call on the spirit of God and ask that it clear my path, my home my life of all that do evil or would do evil in my life. Bless me with friends that have backbone and are willing to stand up to evil as I have just done. Bless all the days of my life with people that are truly good, truly my friends, truly worthy of my trust and friendship. Bless me to be such a person as well. May it be so.
Walks With Thunder
by Walks with Thunder | Apr 28, 2013 | Thoughts
Its been a strange week here, 3 of my “friends” have labeled me racist. My pal Angie says that I am not a racist as I am not a white person. I looked it up on Wikipedia. I don’t fit the definition, so there ya go Angie is right. I see humor where it is meant to be. The most recent posting I was called a racist was a picture of two men, labeled rednecks, using a new word, Obama. Used in a sentence ‘ I drank a six pack of beer Obama self. Now that is funny. My comment was “I think this is like Ebonics, maybe it will just fade away…” Ebonics is a real word and you could get a degree in it from Stanford University. Nothing racist about that, funny but real.
Had I used derogatory words like the dreaded W word or some other colorful metaphor to describe rednecks then I guess I could have been racist. Seems to me that people see in others what they are themselves.
I think I am very funny. Sometimes a new apprentice will not be as respectful as I think they should be so I give them the impression that they are going to be ‘cursed with loose bowel movements’. My apprentices see me change the weather in 5 minutes or less, remove pain in the body in seconds, colored quartz changes colors when I touch it as it becomes blessed to store spiritual energy just from my touch or the words of my blessing. When they think I am displeased they have to wonder did he really do it just to show me he could. I had an apprentice who was getting a divorce she is 5‘2 ¾” tall and her husband was 6’4” tall. When they would argue he would menace her by standing very close and looking down on her. It frightened her, so I told her that I would give him the runs every time he did it. She said you can’t do that, can you? I replied, of course I can, just watch what happens next time. Within 24 hours she had called me to say, ‘OMG he was menacing me again and all of a sudden he grabbed his stomach and ran to the bathroom. He has been in there 30 minutes already.” I said don’t worry he should be out in another 30 to 45 minutes. Even though I am good to my apprentices they know I have a sense of humor.
Sometimes they take action even when they don’t need to. One such apprentice thought she was in trouble, and took some laxatives so she wouldn’t be effected by the ‘curse’. Spent the whole weekend giving offerings to the porcelain god. On Monday she called and said you didn’t do anything did you? I said, No not at all. How did you know? Yes I am very funny. Perhaps I haven’t grown up all the way as I still think bathroom humor is funny.
There are people of all races that I don’t like, but I don’t like them on a personal basis not a whole race sort of thing. Yes I think that big black piece of coal shipped to Mt Rushmore is funny as they are supposed to use it to add Obuma to that monument. Hilarious, cause it is funny, not cause he is that n word thing. Yes I know I called the president Obuma not Obama (self) hehehehehe still funny! It is just a thing I do. Am sure he can think of many things to call me if he wants to.
Now the next person that calls me a racist is gonna get it. I am going to send them such a whammy they won’t know what hit them. You been told. I know what you’re thinking, does he mean that or not… Just try me ;o)
Walks With Thunder