I’m Andy “Walks With Thunder” Rodriguez

Your Shaman Guide and Coach

Get The Answers and Guidance You’ve Been Seeking

Psychic, Medium, and Healer

From connecting to your loved ones to getting direction in your day-to-day lives, I am able to connect to the spirits that love you on your behalf.

Forging Your Own Shaman Path

Simple, guided, non-traditional teachings that connect you to your untapped powers – Become the blessing you were always meant to be.

Helping You Achieve Success

Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to THE NEW YOU!

As your Shaman Guide it is my pleasure, and one of my greatest talents, to assist you in discovering the source of your problems while also offering you solutions to move you from a place of victim-hood and onto a strong foundation built on self-empowerment.

Do You Need to know what your next big move is?

Do you wonder if he (or she) is you best match?

How do I get past the pain and begin to heal?

Do you want to know how to always walk in power?


Glimpse The Future

Get guidance from your spirit guides and loves ones on what will be your best move.

Twin Flame and Romance

Is he (or she) your best match?  See if this relationship is for your best and highest good.

Healing Made Simple

There are many dimensions to healing.  See which path is your best path to give you the best results.

The Shaman Path

Unlock Your Hidden Potential and become the blessing you were always meant to be – Learn to walk in power!

About Me

Some call me a “Modern Shaman” or even a “Non-Traditional Shaman”.  Essentially I am a shaman that just did not fit the typical definition of “Shaman” – Someone on the outside of tradition, which is rather normal for my life.  I never really fit in… surrounded by the paranormal since birth and refusing to accept any of it…trading these “gifts” for technology and logic.

The constant collision between these two worlds eventually sent me on a seven-year journey to find peace, love and harmony.

Like most, all I really wanted was to live a life of peace, love and harmony.  At the end of those seven years, not only did I find the balance I was seeking, but I received a massive upgrade in my powers and gifts.  Spirit asked me to teach the ways of the ancestors and to help others heal so that is what I do… I help others heal by teaching the ways of our ancestors. In return, the people I help find the peace and balance they’ve been seeking.

As your Shaman Guide it is my pleasure, and one of my greatest talents, to aid you in discovering the source of your problems while also offering you solutions to move you from a place of victim-hood and into a sustainable state self-empowerment.



“After years of living life in total chaos; battling depression and lack of purpose, I am able to live life on fire again.”
Jose "The Wise Gorilla"

Owner, TheWiseGorilla.com

“I am Greatful fo the opportunity to work with such a wonderful group of people.  Walks with Thunder is an amazing teacher and healer”

Bear Medicine Walker

Owner, bearmedicinewalker.com

“Pieces that I had ignored, shut out, or completely forgotten have come back to me. It’s been an extremely healing thing to not only feel like myself again but to find a network of people that completely understand where I’m coming from. I didn’t feel less than, I felt welcomed.”
- Cara H

Session Packages

Love Card Readings

Wouldn’t it be nice to know how well you and your potential partner match or knowing what is the most likely outcome before you get too invested?

More Details
Love Card Readings give in-depth wisdom on your past, current or potential relationship.  These readings are Astrological based readings that will tell you the level of attraction and compatibility with any partner.

Guidance Package

Andy works as a bridge between our physical and spiritual worlds to deliver guidance, healing, and blessings.

More Details
Medium, Intuitive Psychic, Removing Curses, and providing blessings. Andy connects with the spirits that love us to bring us a message that will serve our best and highest good.

Sessions start at $49.00 (US)  for 10 minutes to $299.40 (US) for 60 minutes.

Starting at $49

The Modern Shaman Package

Say hello to the new you.  This course will help you unlock you hidden potential and become the blessing you were always meant to be – Learn to walk in power

More Details
  • Learn to see the magic that has always been in you.
  • Learn to connect to spirit in a deep and meaningful way.
  • Learn how to be an even greater blessing to those around you.
  • Learn how to heal emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally
  • Learn to Live and Walk in Power and never have that power taken from you again and much, much more
Starting at $500

Your Voice Matters!

Contact Us Anytime with any Questions, Comments, and/or Concerns

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