Love and Relationships
Love and Relationships,
Over the years as a Psychic reader I have been asked the same questions in many different ways. The most asked question is, “is our relationship over?” Often I just listen and can hear what the spirit next you the client says. On the one hand I have to be clairaudient but not what I would call psychic to do the work, though I am also psychic as I also see little movies, or visions of what the client is asking about. Luckily for me no vision is exactly alike. Always new and different, sometimes difficult to understand as they aren’t meant for me but my client.
The epic romances we see in the movies and on TV really exist. Soul Mate, Twin Flame, Past life relationships are real. I often say they are the most difficult of all relationships to have as there are epic highs, epic lows, and epic barriers. Totally worth it, having had a few of my own I can say that I would do them all over again if I had the chance.
Symptoms of an Epic relationship are: The sun seems warmer, the food tastes better, the air is fresher, colors are brighter, you feel like your home is that person, they make you feel great just because they are with you, and making love is the best it has ever been. Why would you ever want to miss out on that huge feeling of love? This person you just met feels like you have known them all your life. They feel so right.
Most epic romances are based on a past life connection, your spirit recognizes theirs and their spirit recognizes yours in the first five minutes or less there is a spiritual connection. That connection brings with it attraction, trust, friendship, and this spiritual connection. That spiritual connection allows you to communicate psychically, you can feel them thinking about you, and that causes you to think about them. I say it interrupts your thoughts, your doing some thing that doesn’t have anything to do with your new love and suddenly they break into your thoughts. That is when they are thinking about you, in that moment. Many times we think of them so much we can’t count how many times they crossed our minds in a day, it seems constant.
Epic Barriers: Distance, you and your love live hours or even day apart. There could be a wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfriend still in the picture. Did you notice the statistics on people that cheat are very high? Family and friends don’t understand your connection, attraction to this person you just met. They ‘are out of your league’ or you ‘are out of their league’. Forget about leagues, the heart wants what it wants. Ever see two people that don’t fit together but are? That is an example of the heart wanting what it wants, even though to those outside that relationship it doesn’t make visual sense. A handsome man with a homely woman, a goddess with a nerd, I am sure you know many more real life examples. Sometimes those epic barriers are ones we create.
Communication is an epic barrier. If your love doesn’t know how to tell you they are comfortable at this level of commitment that is trouble. They play the “Approach Avoidance” game with you. All at once you’re the most important relationship because there is such a big connection to you. That creates a fear because you also represent the biggest failure they could ever have.
Every now and then I hear people say ‘I want to be in love, like people in the movies!’ Those are people that are asking for an epic romance. That kind of love is not for the weak. Many times one person will know they are in an epic romance and their partner doesn’t have a clue about it. They just know it’s going very well. Being on the same page of commitment is sometimes an epic barrier.
Epic Romance takes work. You have to communicate clearly what you want and need. What you are willing to accept and what is a deal breaker. Being able to forgive the small things so you can have the big things. Loving someone with all that you are. Having that person inspire you to be more than you are because they love you so much.
I know there are many people that will tell you there is only one twin flame and only one soul mate. My personal experience says that is not true. The elements of the epic romance must be there and if they are you can have more than one soul mate, more than one twin flame. Most epic romances are based on a past life connection. We can create that I know how, it is part of my work as a Shaman. That brings with it a spiritual connection of communication, empathy, knowing that persons thoughts and feelings. The building blocks of all epic romances.
Are epic romances easy? No. Are they worth it? yes! Having done readings for years and listening to those in epic romances I see that they follow a pattern. Boy meets girl, boy gets girl, boy loses girl, waiting period can be, days, weeks, months, years, or decades, Boy gets girl back. If every thing goes well that is it, if they screw it up again then the pattern repeats boy loses girl, waiting period, boy gets girl back. That is the point where you have to find your communication problems and fix them so you can get to your happy ever after.
My blessing often helps that waiting period move faster. Knowing where you are in the epic romance helps too, as you know what to expect next. Having seen thousands of people in these situations I can easily see where you are in your epic romance. Now just think of all the things I didn’t tell you about epic romance. You’re just going to have to ask me!
May your love be true, may your heart be healed, may the love of your lifetimes be yours to have and to hold from this day forward.
Walks With Thunder