by Walks with Thunder | Apr 17, 2013 | Thoughts
I love to watch movies as the American story teller is found there. Way back before TV and Radio folks sat around the camp fire and people would tell stories. The person with the most stories became the “Story Teller”. Usually that person remembered the cultural history of that family or group. Retold stories they had heard as a child and could make up what I would call some great whoppers! I saw a movie 20 years or so ago that has stayed with me all these years. Not because it was a great movie as there are many that are better, because of the wisdom I found there.
Remo Williams returns, the Character Joel Grey portrays is great fun and his lines are memorable. The best one goes kinda like this. ‘You have fear. Fear is just a feeling, you feel hot, you feel cold, you feel fear. Now that I have explained this lets continue with the exercise.’ Granted most of us after hearing that would still feel fear at running along a tall buildings edge. Just looking down gives me the feeling of, not wanting to fall and hit the ground, is that fear or good sense.
That bit of wisdom is real, the movie not so much. This fear feeling keeps us from being who we really are. Imagine if you had a respectable fear, that kept you from doing crazy life threating things but allowed you to move forward in your relationships. Not afraid to share your feelings or talk to a person you’re attracted to. Not afraid to move forward in your goals and dreams, just going for it. Making each decision count towards a dream. Leaving fear behind to embrace who you have always wanted to be. After all fear is just a feeling. You feel hot, you feel cold, you feel afraid. Exactly so what, take off your coat, put on a sweater, look that fear in the eye and say give me your best shot cause I am coming for you.
There are things we should be afraid of, Genetically Modified Foods, Serial Killers, Terrorists, the Tax man, Martha Stewart hahahahah, ok not Martha so much but you get the idea. Don’t be too fearless you get yourself killed. A healthy respect for what is dangerous and a brave warrior spirit for most everything else. Follow your spirit to your dreams. What is holding you back? What would be so awful that the fear of failing keeps you from trying? The great thing about trying is you did something. If you never try your never going to succeed. What do you really have to lose? Just saying think about it.
May you find yourself where you always wanted to be with the person of your dreams.
Walks With Thunder
by Walks with Thunder | Apr 16, 2013 | Thoughts
Intuition is a wonderful thing. We all have it, though most of us ignore it. It’s that little voice in our head that says keep going, turn right, this doesn’t feel right. I wonder how many people paid attention to that little intuition voice yesterday and didn’t go to Boston, didn’t run that race because there was something just not right about it. When we meet someone new there is a 10 second evaluation period, in that 10 seconds my spirit knows if I like that person or not. Sometimes I just smile and walk away after meeting folks that my intuition says are not good for me. Yes it is rude but so is wasting my time on someone that is just using me.
My intuition has served me well over the past 55 years. It has chosen some of the best people to be my friends, and loves. The times I regret the most are the times I didn’t listen to my inner voice. I knew it was going to turn out badly but I wanted the ride anyway. Is that wisdom, probably not, was it fun, yes, until it wasn’t.
My apprentices go through a training period to learn how to listen to that inner voice. We play a driving game, for 15 minutes you go in whatever direction you like the best in that moment. If you feel you need to turn you turn, if you need to go straight you go straight. At the end of 15 minutes you stop and see where your inner voice has led you. Get out of your vehicle if it is safe to do so. Walk around for 15 minutes and see what is near you. If there are people check them out if it feels safe talk to them. Most times at the end of your 30 minute game you have discovered a new place that makes you feel good or has spiritual power for you. Every now and then you meet a new friend that you would have overlooked had you not followed your inner voice. You can do this in a Mall too! Same rules, except you walk.
Have you ever heard your name called and stopped to see who is calling you, only to find no one is there? That is your inner voice, guardian angel, accessorial spirit, or spirit guide delaying you so you don’t get into trouble. Those few seconds change the course of your life by being too late for an accident or something worse. Intuition is a wonderful thing if we can make it a part of our lives, being able to hear it or identify the feelings it gives us.
Pay attention to that inner voice, it could mean the difference of running that Boston Marathon or taking it easy and working in your garden instead. Yesterday is just as important as today, those responsible for that act of terrorism are still out there. We can’t let fear hold us back we have to be strong, confident and listen to that inner voice that wants to guide us safely through our life time.
May those hurt by the terrorist act yesterday be blessed. May they heal and become whole once more. May those who passed away go to a better place.
by Walks with Thunder | Apr 15, 2013 | Thoughts
I love those easy days, when you can get up late and there are no consequences. There are many of my friends and clients that don’t have easy days. They stress over money, jobs, relationships the list goes on and on. I always say Worry is a wasted emotion, it doesn’t make you jump higher, or run faster, or store more food for the winter. Yet we all do it at one time or another, seems like worry is hardwired into our brain. Spirit has always taken care of me, always there to catch me when I fall, always there to lean on if I need it. As a result I don’t worry anymore.
What is this thing I call spirit? When I look at the world around me my 184 IQ says this is by design. The orbits of the planets, the atom that so looks like a small solar system, the rings that a rain drop makes in a puddle of water. The cycle of life and seasons, the way the body repairs itself, has such diversity and yet still the same. That can’t be an accident, the double helix of DNA, the code of life all of that in something so small you need an electron microscope to see it. There is a divine energy to everything, as everything has a spirit, rocks, trees, cars, animals even you have a spirit. Some of us call it a soul. That spark of life within us, it lives on past the body. I call upon that spirit of everything to cooperate with me, though as a shaman I do command spirits when it is the right time to do so.
I was walking with an Apprentice graduate of mine yesterday. I had asked her to make sure we had some sun for our walk, of course we did. Now around Puget Sound the weather is usually cold, wet and windy. We had some of that too, but mostly sunny. She had focused her will and intent to move some storm clouds east, we stopped and rested on a bench. I looked at her storm cloud and it was going east though it seemed it wanted to go north east a bit. This huge dark grey storm cloud was moving east just because she wanted it to. I love that.
Life is like that storm cloud, we can just ask it (spirit) to cooperate with us. Drop our worries, and fears, pick up our smile and confidence, just cause we want to!
May our lives be all we want and need. May worry and fear be memories we leave behind us as we make our dreams real.
by Walks with Thunder | Feb 10, 2012 | Love
February 14th,
I love this time of year, the flowers, hearts, candy! Oh yes Love too, knowing it’s a manufactured holiday for retail sales. We still buy into it, movies, songs, gifts, candy, and doing things that say I love you to that special some one.
Being Shaman I see things others don’t. Perhaps its because I am open to that part of life. Most folks just go about their day missing the magic that just is. Fairies, little people, lights, glows and flashes all around us. Of course there is the dark side to that but it doesn’t come round me anymore. Its good to be Shaman! I see the magic of love, not going to settle for less than a twin flame. Having had three in my life time I am optimistic about there being a fourth.
How did I get three your wondering. I said a blessing after my divorce papers were signed. To have the woman of my dreams come and love me. There is so much wrong with that blessing. I wasn’t specific enough. Didn’t say to come and love me the rest of my life, or say the best woman of my dreams as dreams is plural…. So three came to me in the space of about 4 months. Talk about trouble and bliss..
The really hard part of that was having to chose one of them. Imagine having three people that meet your needs, inspire you to be more than you are with out them. Each one a goddess. Choosing a twin flame from three is very difficult as your going to hurt two some ones. My heart was confused and I chose poorly. Perhaps I should have gone with the one that had the most passion, or the one with the most sexual energy, or the sweetest disposition, or the smartest.
Twin Flames are magical, they can join you in your dreams and remember. They know what your thinking and doing. Even in Las Vegas so what you do there is known to them. The magic of merging your spirits from a distance, feeling a kiss or caress even though they aren’t around. So much loving energy that the people around you are happy because your in love. The food tastes better, the air is sweeter, colors are brighter and the sexual energy between you is off the charts powerful.
Having had that and more, I can’t settle for less than a twin flame. A regular romance just won’t do it for me. For those of you in those regular every day romances, I say, Good for you. Enjoy it, savor it, cherish it because for you that is the best you have ever done. Not reaching the heights of the twin flame relationship is a blessing. You have no idea what your missing so the bar is set low and happiness is attained. Talk about blissfully ignorant!
Those of you that know me on Facebook see my beautiful friends and wonder if I am seeing one of them. Nope am single, just being beautiful isn’t enough to satisfy me anymore, there has to be that magic of who they are, and who we are together. The chemistry that doesn’t end, even now I love my twin flames though at a distance. They have a piece of my heart and I theirs. Some times they visit me in my dreams and that is enough for now. One day though my fourth twin flame will walk into my life and that will be a day that inspires me the rest of my life.
My advice, having bungled my romantic life isn’t worth much. Here it is anyway, love with your whole heart no holding back. Say “I love you!” and mean it. Kiss like it’s the very last time you will ever kiss her because it may very well be your last kiss so make it worth remembering. Don’t let the small stuff get in the way of the biggest feeling you will ever have.
by Walks with Thunder | Dec 18, 2011 | Love
Just a few minutes ago while i was watching a DVD, I felt a hand on the top of my head. Remarkable only because I am at home alone with my dogs. It was familiar, like someone I loved playing with my hair, making it twirl and gently scratching the top of my head. I didn’t ask who it was, didn’t turn around to see them, and just enjoyed it for about four minutes. Feeling like I was in love again, important to some one that cared about me.
There is so much spirit energy this month and it’s still building. My phantom lover is gone now, I guess not she’s back. Feeling her fingers in my hair again. I just asked who are you, come to me show yourself. Still feeling her fingers in my hair but no sign or sight of her other than that. I guess it could be a twin flame reaching through time to give me love again. I do know some very magical women.
I miss two of them very much. Over the years they and I have grown apart. It’s a thing that happens when someone is as busy as I was. Getting my TV pilots going, teaching classes, and traveling so much. There is a strange thing that happens to the friends I knew. Some of them get envious of what I have done. Being on TV, having a number 1 radio show with 45K listeners. That makes negative energy and they start to say things about me that make them feel better about who they are and what they haven’t done yet. Writing a book about Magical love doesn’t make your reputation higher. It’s taking longer than I thought as I keep getting distracted with the research.
That sort of reputation doesn’t attract your old friends to come on by and say hi. Some feel guilty about what back stabbing they did, or unworthy about how they treated me. When the universe sends me a touch of love it just makes me sad to remember those that I loved the most were turned away by those small petty people that used to call themselves my friends. For some odd reason my success made my so called friends feel small, it hurt them to see the power I walk with. Rumors, negative energy, envy, all conspire to change what could have been an epic romance into just a magical memory.
I call the grandfather and grandmother spirits, and all the nations that love me. I ask them to give this blessing to me and others like me that are missing our twin flame. To have that flame know we love them and would welcome them back into our lives. To clear away all that negative energy made by others and ourselves, and leave only a clear path for us to follow to an epic romance. I ask that those that have loved deeply have their hearts mended so they can love even more deeply than ever before. I ask that those that feel hurt, that spread rumors, that can’t take the high road be forgiven so they can move on. In a great and powerful way I ask that the blessing I should have given be given. I thank the nations and spirits gathered.