Cooking up Cooperation

My world is filled with Psychic Fairs, Expos, and scheduling individual appointments. My work as a Non-Traditional Shaman is spiritual work; however, there is a necessary business side to that in order to live. I was doing a fair a bit west of Seattle. Even though I hesitated for 4 months before I actually participated. I started this doing this fair in 2007 (Guess I just wasn’t listening to my inner voice very well…) However, there was something about this fair that wasn’t quite right, but I told myself it was a new way to advertise and went ahead anyway.

The “deal” was the problem: The person who coordinated the fair (paid only a nominal advertising fee to run a paragraph advertisement and rent for the space) charged me and the other Readers 50% of each client’s payment for service. Not only that, she set my rate much lower than usual. I felt like I was devaluing myself. True, I agreed to this “sharecropper” status. Even worse, when I started marketing my DVD I agreed to another $25 fee, as I was technically a Vendor as well as a Reader. The person who put on the fair automatically made $25 more than I did every time I simply walked into the fair. As if that was not bad enough, all the while taking advantage of my personal advertising and name recognition in the area and not even listening to my request to change the system.

Yes, I am stubborn and outspoken (I have been criticized for the “sharecropper” terminology), but sometimes this works for me. Therefore, with very few regular fairs in my area, I had little choice in the matter if I wanted routine income. So, I put up with these state of affairs for about five months, otherwise the options were: Do these fairs or no fairs that month. Finally, I listened to my inner voice and stopped going. Something had to change.

Right about the same time, my dear friend had also started doing a fair put on by one of the spiritual publications in our area. Go figure- the person who put on that fair also subscribed to the same model (why people think its ok to take financial advantage of psychics because someone else does) makes no sense to me. My friend was upset at the way she was being treated, like a non-important person, whose ideas were insignificant. She was so upset, she didn’t want to do the fair any more however, she didn’t have another source of income for that weekend. I said, “We are just going to have to have our own fair.”

As a diamond is formed from coal, under intense pressure, our Magical Pathways Fair was born in much the same way. We hatched a plan to go to four locations and ask about renting the space for our fairs. In 24 hours we had four locations for our fairs. Now since Terri and I had both felt we had no say in the fairs we had participated in, it was important to us that each person in our fair have a voice. As a Co-Op, each of us owns the Magical Pathways Fair. Each of us is responsible for advertising (together we comprise a 1/3 page advertisement), each of us helps with setup, and each of us gathers Readers to our fairs. As with all good things, they take on a life of their own. In just four days we had 20 readers who wanted to participate.

Now the Co-Op efforts didn’t go unnoticed by the other fair coordinators. In fact, one of our members was sending our group’s private emails to them. Oddly, they didn’t contact me directly even though they had my phone number and email address from the emails (though they did say things directly to me in the email that wasn’t addressed to me). I later saw that they said they felt “slapped in the face” and “punched in the gut.” Since I had not sent them these emails but instead simply coordinated a fair with my friend, my response was, “Whoever is sending this information to them is sending them negative energy, as they feel slapped and punched. That negative energy has a way of sticking to a person, perhaps they should stop that.”

I share this because it’s important to know that doing your own fair creates challenges for others and they will respond in kind. For the folks around here who ran local fairs before we started Magical Pathways, it seems they felt a tad guilty and wanted a sort of hold harmless agreement. My use of “sharecropper” terminology inflamed a few to the point that there was a page and a half of response floating around for a while… I would have thought that someone who puts on a spiritual fair would have the moxie to contact me directly if what I said/did bothers them. Instead, this person actually tried to defend taking 50% of the Readers’ fees and setting the Readers’ prices- likening themselves to “realtors” and saying that we were really paying for a service (which by the way is typically 4% rather than 50%). They also contacted our advertisers and tried to discourage them from advertising our fair. Oh my.

It’s true, I use a steamroller when I create a path to get where I’m going. If you’re going to go do a thing, why be timid when you do it? Do it big. I see our Co-Op fairs as being a blow for psychic freedom. Psychics are a gift from the universe to our communities and should be respected and taken care of, not taken advantage of. A month after Terri and I promoted Magical Pathways on our show,, we had an inquiry from New Jersey and New York asking about putting on a fair like ours over there. Again, good things take a life of their own!

Terri C and I offered to share all our information with them and be associated with them. We shared a few phone calls, looked over the process they had, fixed a few little problems, and advised them to remove a problem member who was slowing the whole process down to a glacial crawl (had they followed that person’s advice they would maybe had a fair by October even though it was late April). After cutting away the micro-manager, they now have a Magical Pathways Fair scheduled in June. That Group from New Jersey inspired another group in Sacramento and they too have a fair scheduled to start in June. And so on and so on…

Here’s a recipe to start your own Magical Pathways Co-Op:

1. Gather a need for more “fair” Fairs.
2. Mix Tarot Readers, Psychics, Energy Healers.
3. Vigorously sprinkle with financial equality and shared decision making.
4. Add 3T frugal advertising.
5. Stir 1c. (heaping) of creativity.
6. Pour in 8oz. of confidence.
7. Blend well and check for lumps that slow down the process. Remove lumps right away, or they may delay or abort a great outcome.
8. Add 7 large, warrior Thunder spirits to give it some backbone and kick some blocks out of the way, it’s what they do for me.

Our Fairs are like a Diamond in the rough. My vision for our Magical Pathways CoOp is to go Nation/worldwide in a good way. Each of our associate CoOp groups working with each other- throwing off the financial oppressors and (Can ya hear the national anthem here?) striking a blow for psychic freedom everywhere! We have a web site for our fairs

If you like the idea of having your own CoOp send us an email, give us a call. We would love to help you get started! It’s easier than they want you to know…

Walks With Thunder

Getting out of the way.

Sounds easy sometimes- to just let things happen as they should. And yet… we want to jump in and “help” things along for ourselves and those we love. I do that. In fact I’ve always thought I should step-in when someone I love needs a hand with relationships, healing, and life in general. But the miracles happen when I just let the old ego and agenda of self fall away- come what may…

A dear friend of mine told me, “Just bless the situation for the best outcome for everyone and let it be.” At the time I wanted to say “Easy for you to say!” I thought about the advice though- it sounded strangely like that releasing technique I teach for addictions, habits, negative self-talk, etc. Having a warrior spirit, when family or friends are wronged I instinctively get out my spiritual war gear and get ready to kick some serious behind. But the Angels have been telling me Not so fast… “Choose love in every thing.” Talk about not easy! I have been doing my best to switch gears and choose love, even in those difficult moments where I feel I should come to the rescue. When I can choose to respond with kindness (or love) instead of power and command, I am practicing love. It’s a conscious shift for me… I’m a work in progress.

My apprentices have noticed this difference- some of them are used to the warrior spirit kicking butt or calling in Grandfather and Thunder Spirits’ discipline, so they see it as a sign of weakness… I say it’s a sign of power to consciously choose love, though this should not be confused with indecision (been there). In fact, to choose love is powerful and good for everyone. I admit- being a warrior is the only choice when you’re faced with irrational, unreasonable, emotionally unstable, or just plain mean people… Yeah baby, my lightning bolts are ready!

The folks that listen to my blog talk radio show have noticed too, saying Walks With Thunder seems softer now, more approachable… It’s true- most of the time. I don’t do so much of that discipline stuff anymore- the Angels have begun to change me. It’s a time of self-discovery and spiritual re-invention for me. I admit, for a while there my mind was going north while my spirit headed south… My usually confident self was confused and it was difficult to make a decisions. I found myself in the Land of Waffling (that’s that place of indecision I warned you about earlier).

Looking at my own life as though it were someone else’s put everything into perspective- to let go of my feelings and personal interests and remind me that this work is not about me. The free energy I tap into heals folks in 5 minutes or less and sticks around to keep them healed- it’s not my omnipotent power, I’m just the conduit. This transition in my life is an important reminder to get out of my own darn way, cut that which does not serve me, look at my life from the outside, and take time to listen to Spirit… It’s all good. And you know, those same apprentices now say that Walks With Thunder is back!

May you be blessed to make the decisions that make sense in your life- to let go of the judgments that you perceive others hold for you so that you stop saying “should,” “can’t,” “won’t,” “never,” and “always.” May love for yourself and others bless you with clarity of Spirit.

Walks With Thunder

Choose Love Now

Some say a new year is a new beginning. I know that on my spiritual path there are many beginnings and endings that have nothing to do with the calendar. A couple years ago in January (my personal power month), I began seeing Fairies. Last January, I began seeing Angels and Michael himself gave me messages. This year… who knows what January will bring! As with each of you, I am a work in progress. I love that! My path always has something new… and that means I am still learning all the time. (more…)

911, we remember

Just the day before 9/11 I was at our beach house on Hood Canal in Washington. About 8 PM or so I saw a fireball in the sky to the east. Then a few minutes later another fireball in the east. This puzzled me as I had no idea what it meant. The next day 9-11 I saw those same fire balls on the world trade center buildings. (more…)

My Blessing to see fairies

My blessing to see Fairies in a good way.

Some Medicine men and women call Fairy folk, the little people. No matter what we call them, Natures Angles are real and in our world. Why not embrace the magic of the Fey? This morning I saw a Blue Fairy light under my bed, glowing softly in the morning light. This evening I found an light Orange one on my knee. LOL Just so you know I have never taken any hallucinogenic drugs or herbs etc. I am so pure I could have been a Mormon. Why then would a former Network Engineer see these magical beings? Well it could be that I am also a shaman and have the gift of sight. It could be that Fairies love me because I love deeply. Perhaps I am a happy, fun person most of the time. (more…)