by Walks with Thunder | Nov 16, 2011 | Fairies, Love
The holidays are almost here. I can feel magic gathering in the air, its like an expectant electricity waiting for someone to focus it. The weather seems to be showing off, sunshine, snow, wind, rain, and my favorite Thunder and lightning. Today I am listening to the sound of rain on the roof as I gather my thoughts for you. Sharing this time together, passing on life lessons and metaphysical happenings.
I have noticed many movements in the house these past few weeks. Movement, colors, shapes crossing my field of vision. The fairies and Angels that gather at my house just to keep me company, letting me know they are just within reach. Sometimes tickling my fingers as type or glowing from my shirt pocket in the closet. I love this season of magic.
Do you believe in the spirit of Christmas? How about the magic of the holiday spirit? I remember being a boy of or so waiting for Santa Clause. My family was poor, our presents few, but the joy of those Christmas mornings was and still is a bright light in my memories. You see I didn’t know we were poor. My three sisters and I gathered round the lit tree. Those big lights, with tinsel sparkling, the smell of a real tree my dad had cut from the forest. A magical time. Christmas dreams of toys and candy. Much has changed these days. LED lights and artificial trees. Electronic gifts and games, fancy candies. It’s a long way from that little boy I once was. I am sure your memories of Christmas past are just as bright to you. Though there are some who don’t have bright memories.
The holiday season, I was once told, has the highest rate of suicide than any other time of the year. Yes crime and abuse still go on. Yet there is still that element of magic in the air. Having the vision to see Angels, Fairies and spirits, also allows me to see the magical sparkle that surrounds us all. Have you noticed how many Holiday Ghost stories there are? I once had an old book that had so many holiday ghost stories in it. I got it for Christmas from one of my sisters.
Have been planning a trip to Disney World to see the holiday decorations there. It’s a magical place any time of the year but this will be my 1st time there during the holidays. It has something to do with children’s dreams and the fantasy that the inner child of the adults that go there bring to it. Yes I know its commercialization at its best, yet it still brings with it a pure magic one can’t explain. However it’s created or attracted it’s there waiting for us if we allow it into our lives. Magic.
We just had a fun event 11-11-11 though its really 11-11-2011 not quite as powerful as 1st presented. I think that the power of 11 is really the power of 2. It’s such a romantic number, a couple, a pair a duo, a twosome. Then what would three twosomes mean? Actually three twosomes and a pair as that 2 in the 20 still counts for 2. Four pair, in the Native American way four is a sacred number representing the 4 directions and pair for each direction. I love that. Romance no matter which way you turn.
Here in the North West where I have lived since 1980 we have our own Christmas songs. Brenda Whites, Christmas in the Northwest, is my all-time favorite. When I am away from the Northwest I miss those songs we have here. When I was in LA they has some great old songs. All I want for Christmas is a hippopotamus. The movie tunes from White Christmas, My friend Debbie Vicarie’s version of Santa Baby, you can find her on YouTube.
I love the parties at this time of year. I used to have a Ginger Bread house party every year I was married. The food the creation of fun. Making cookies, and cooking things I saw on Food TV. Just something about fudge and cookies that makes me feel it’s the holidays! Alton Brown has a brined Turkey recipe that is just awesome! His prime Rib is also a favorite of mine for New years!
My point, embrace the magic of the season. Understand the commercialization of the holidays and love it anyway. Create a bright memories with your friends and family. See the magic that children bring to the season. Take in the music, the sounds, and the sights and let that magic grow with in your spirit. Don’t just have a merry Christmas, hold the spirit of the season in your heart. Be generous if you can and give a poor child a gift, it may be the only one they get. Remember friends absent and present. Add that special magic of your own to a season of magic.
May your holidays be all that you could wish for and more.
Walks With Thunder
by Walks with Thunder | Oct 19, 2011 | Fairies
Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my!
This time of year the spirits that be make themselves known. For those of us that see spirits and even those that are only aware of them, it’s a fun time. These first few weeks of October have had me seeing fairies and such around the house. Red fairies, White Angels, ultra bright Thunder spirits hanging around. Haven’t seen a dark spirit in years, knock wood (taps forehead).
Had a visit from the Sand Man 1st week of October. I was waking up and then my conscious self left my body for a view of the ceiling looking down on my body as I was getting up. Then a large Sea Shell of dark brown with light brown spots materialized over my body it was about ft long 3 ft around. It gently bounced on my body and I was asleep again. I woke up when the phone rang, answered my call hung up and that shell came back bounced on me again. Back to sleep for a while. This happened a few times that morning, answering the phone and going back to sleep. Finally got out of bed about 11:45 AM. Wiped the sand from my eyes and got my day going!
Life is good to me. I have an income that doesn’t care about 9 to 5 hours. So I can have a visit from the sand man and still make a living. Not everyone is fortunate to live like I do, I am blessed. I have time for those magical questions. Like is the Sand Man real, Do Fairies exist, if those exist do Dragons exist? Yes I know for a fact Fairies exist. Fact Angels exist, as do Fallen Angels. Dark Spirits exist, so do light ones. I haven’t seen a dragon yet but I am open to it. Haven’t seen an ET but I don’t really want to either. If I did though it would probably be in this energized time between October 1st and January 3rd.
Maybe it’s the energy the holiday season brings. Folks anticipating, dreaming of the holidays puts extra energy in the air. It’s like the feeling I have when I go to Disneyland or Disney World, its magic about to happen. This spiritual time is ripe for paranormal experiences. Some folks go out and visit graveyards or tell scary stories. Playful spirit and some that are not hangout in graveyards, and may come home with you if you’re not careful. My ex-wife Laura said I wasn’t allowed to go to graveyards ever as things love to follow me home. Did you know that on a daily basis we all pass by areas when people have died recently? Look along the streets and highways and you will find little memorial sites to those that died there. Traffic accidents create those little reminders someone died there. That someone may yet linger there. I can see them when they do, others feel the presence of those passed on. This time of year that energy gets stronger.
I dislike that feeling of being watched. Used to get it when I was in the forest, gazing out at a clearing or creek. Knowing something was watching me, something with intelligence. Back then I hadn’t embraced my Shamanic gifts, so I couldn’t see them. Quite often those intelligent beings are surprised to find me looking back at them. When caught they slink off out of sight. That’s OK with me, lets me know they are cowards, choosing only those that can’t look back to bother.
If you’re bothered by spirits or some paranormal being, the best thing to say is…. I do not worship you, let me pass. It’s got respect and it’s kind of spunky too as it lets them know you’re not buying whatever they are selling. My little Apprentices from 7 to 12 like to say, Walks With Thunder is gonna kick your butt if you bother me. Oddly that works too. For some not all, saying the Sheppard’s prayer works. I like the part Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear not for I am the badest thing out here. Evil had better run or I am gonna kick it’s a$$. OK that’s the way I say it. I still like that prayer.
It’s a funny thing that we are not told or taught in bible study that because we have a divine spark of life within us we ourselves are powerful and can defeat evil spirits with that divine spark of light within us. We just have to have faith that our creators protection is there and it will be.
Enjoy this season of holidays, Look for the magic and the spirits that surround this time of year. Embrace the magic of you and the power of love. May you be blessed to have more than you need and not want for anything.
Walks With Thunder
by Walks with Thunder | Oct 13, 2011 | Love
I hear this sad story all day long. “My love and I are constantly getting close and then we talk about commitment and a few days later they are gone for days or weeks. Then they come back and everything is fine for a while. Then we talk about commitment and that puts us back into this cycle again.” Men and Women are both doing this behavior. On the one had they want intimacy and on the other they avoid commitment.
Not communicating for days weeks and in some cases months. Then coming back into your life like nothing happened. You bring it up and they agree to change and then can’t seem to change this odd behavior. They are attracted to you, say the right things, it’s wonderful when you’re together. However they leave after commitment is talked about. I like to think it’s a learned behavior, which their parents had this behavior and now they are modeling it with you because it’s what they know. They have no idea that this hurts you and lowers your confidence and self-esteem. That your heart breaks a little more as they create this distance between you.
Something in their eyes, smile, attracts us like no other or we would tell these damaged dysfunctional butt heads to pack it up and move on. Yet we hope that they will grow out of it, break the cycle and realize what a blessing it is to be together. That this sort of love is rare, worthwhile and enjoyable. It’s almost like they are addicted and can’t stay away for too long before they come back. We enjoy those little honey moons only to be left along again as the cycle of Approach Avoidance begins again.
In some cases the best idea is to walk away as it’s too painful and has gone on too long to stay in such a relationship. In other cases it’s just beginning and is changeable as it’s not a set pattern. They have to realize how important you are to them. That try as they may they can’t walk away. Knowing that they must also realize that this sort of behavior can’t continue. It won’t be long till you lose interest, grow self-esteem or someone new enters your life and takes your breath away as well as your heart. Usually during those times when they are avoiding you and your vulnerable to someone who has something nice to say to you. Has no problem calling you or making you a priority in their day. Its powerful stuff this thing called a “normal relationship”.
75% of my daily calls are about this problem. I usually recommend a blessing for them to come out of this cycle and realized the vulnerable position they are in. No one wants to be in that cycle of approach avoidance. Usually that person is a past life lover that your spirit recognized and crated an instant connection with you. Then over time you create a soul mate relationship that bonds you together so you can’t leave the cycle as the feelings and spiritual connection are too strong to let go. Talk about putting the D in dysfunctional!
I would never tell anyone to walk away from such a relationship. Soul mates and twin flames are awesome and worth the trouble if you can save it. To be with that one person that inspires you to love more deeply than ever before! Oh if only we could all have that in our lives. Even the dysnfuctionality of the approach avoidance relationship, if it has the soul mate connection is worth the trouble of saving. Even if you could walk away from it, which most can’t, you would regret it the rest of your life.
What to do about it. Endure, release your negative energy around it, do things that nurture you. In some cases you will need to disconnect your spirit, and heart so you can walk away. Last resort though. My heart tells me not to give up and I always try to follow my heart. Choose love in what you do. Forgive that person as they are damaged goods, and can’t help this low self-esteem behavior they do. Love is a gift, a past life, or soul mate relationship is a big gift from the universe. Get counseling if you can, help them realize it’s a hurtful thing they do to you so they can stop abusing you in this way.
If you have tried everything and you still can’t get them to stop this behavior of approach avoidance then for your own self-esteem, self-love, and self-confidence. Then you’re going to have to consider letting them go. A huge task, you have to be ready for it and given up all hope of them changing. Its possible I can show you how to disconnect, and let go. It’s a long process taking months and sometimes years. Knowing in your heart your worthwhile and you did everything you could helps. May you be blessed with some one that loves you for who you are and who grows with you. May the magic of love be yours.
Walks With Thunder.
by Walks with Thunder | Sep 11, 2011 | Modern Shamanism
Hi Everyone,
I had a promotion over the summer for folks to write a short Essay about why they want to be an Apprentice in my program. The fee is $250 per month. The program can be completed in a year but most take 1.5 to two years to finish. The prize for the best Essay is/was 1 month free in the Apprentice program. We have one class weekly, at 10 AM PST 1 PM EST. Apprentices call me twice a week to work on home work or how to apply the classes into daily life. This program is not for everyone. Real magic happens, and you’re making it happen.
The first 3 months are very difficult, and very magical. There is a side effect that happens to apprentices, they become confident, that confidence touches every relationship they have. Self Esteem grows, people that are in your life and don’t treat you well will fall away from your life as you won’t put up with that anymore.
I expect each apprentice to be a blessing in their community. If you think you want to try this out then send me an Essay about why you want to be an Apprentice. I will be choosing folks for the next 30 days. I just have to like what you have to say. If you feel you can’t write well then send me an email and we can talk on the phone and you can talk to me about why you want to be an Apprentice.
May you be blessed with all you need and want in a good way.
Walks With Thunder
by Walks with Thunder | Sep 9, 2011 | Healing
Just the day before 9/11 I was at our beach house on Hood Canal in Washington. About 8 PM or so I saw a fireball in the sky to the east. Then a few minutes later another fireball in the east. This puzzled me as I had no idea what it meant. The next day 9-11 I saw those same fire balls on the world trade center buildings. That this was a spiritual even i am sure. It changed our world as we knew it. America could be hurt, damaged, but not beaten.
The messages the fallen sent out were not ones of despair or anger, they were of love for family and friends. Those who banded together to take over the plane said goodbye to those they loved because they knew they might and probably would die to protect those on the ground. That was an act of love.
Did the terrorist hurt us, yes. They also made us stronger as a people. It brought us together like nothing else could have. Take that gift of love and share it with your family and friends… It’s my way of honoring those who have given every thing on that 11th day in September…
Our laws have changed a bit, the Patriot Act, allowing our government to take away any civil rights we thought we still had. I like that, though I hope never to be classified as a Terrorist. These “terrorists” some would say are linked to our own government allowing it to happen. Some even say they created the situation to control future events. Our lives are changed as airport security now can scan our bodies and see us nude on the screens they have. Searching adults and little children in X rated ways.
Here we are 10 years later still paying for this terrorist act. If anything came out of 9-11 it wasn’t us changing our minds about terrorists. We are still united against that, though there are a few well meaning trying to protect evil peoples rights to harm the innocent. As a Native American I know our prayers to protect us from the Well Meaning have gone unheard.
I ask all the spirits, and Nations that love us to bless us all with discernment so we can see what is true and what isn’t. To guide out path as a nation to enjoy our freedoms without taking what is not ours. For us all to be protected and those who would harm us to fail in the attempt. May the victims families find comfort in knowing their loved ones brought us together as a nation. In a good and powerful way I ask that this be so.
Walks With Thunder