Fighting intuition
At some point we all do this, fight our intuition. I didn’t want to see the outcome of Angie’s disease, I shut the possibility that she wouldn’t make it out of my mind. Even though my apprentices told me over and over this will end for her over the summer, in six months she will pass. I couldn’t accept that, so when she passed it hit me harder than had I accepted all the signs and my own intuition. My point, we all at some point ignore our intuition because we don’t like what it is telling us.
Not that I am complaining about that. Many people call me and ask my advice because they don’t want to listen to their own intuition (inner voice). They want to ignore that little voice that says, I know my partner is cheating on me, people at my work are setting me up to fail, this relationship isn’t going to end well. My job of course is to listen to the spirits next to them saying, He’s or she’s a cheater, You need to watch your back at work, there must be 57 ways to leave your lover so think of one cause that is coming soon.
Intuition is sometimes the voices of the spirits who walk with you through life guiding you, giving you inspiration just when you need it. You could almost say inspiration is in spirit guidance just for you. I love my job, helping people to see where they are in life and relationships. Getting them ready for the road ahead.
On some level when people call me it is because they know something is wrong, they just can’t accept it so they want to bounce it off me and see if that inner voice is right. Many times I don’t have to be psychic at all, I just have to be a good listener. I can hear those spirits next to you saying things you don’t want to hear, saying things that hurt but you need to know. I understand that, been there myself not too long ago.
Usually that intuitive voice in our heads is right, not always but most of the time. There have been a few times when I wanted something so much that I mistook that little voice for my own inner thoughts. Good thing I have many gifted friends who tell me what they know about what I want to do before I do it. I don’t have to get a reading as they just go ahead and read me. Very funny, there are times I don’t want to know, being the good friends they are, they tell me anyway.
It is OK to get a second opinion about your inner voice, recommended even. Till we learn to trust that voice of intuition we need to hear what we don’t want to hear. Need to face that situation that brings us sadness. Courage they say is doing something even though you are scared. May we all be blessed with courage when we need it and good friends that tell us what we need to hear. May our intuitive voices be trusted and guide us well.
Walks With Thunder